

From Strength to Brilliance: 60 Years of Public Relations Practice in Nigeria

The Nigerian Institute of Public Relations is pleased to announce a call for papers for an upcoming publication titled "From Strength to Brilliance: 60 Years of Public Relations Practice in Nigeria." This publication aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the evolution, challenges, and achievements of public relations in Nigeria over the past 60 years.

The relevance of public relations practice in Nigeria cannot be overstated, as it plays a vital role in shaping perceptions, managing reputations, and influencing public opinion. This publication seeks to explore the growth and impact of public relations in Nigeria, shedding light on its journey from strength to brilliance.

We invite researchers, scholars, practitioners, and industry experts to submit original research articles, case studies, and conceptual papers that explore diverse aspects of public relations practice in Nigeria.

Objectives of the special publication:

  1. To showcase the milestones and achievements of NIPR throughout its diamond anniversary years.
  2. To explore the evolution and growth of public relations in Nigeria, emphasizing the contributions of NIPR and its members.
  3. To highlight the impact of public relations in various sectors of Nigerian society and the positive influence of NIPR.
  4. To emphasize NIPR's role in advocating for professional standards, ethics, and continuous learning within the PR community.
  5. To envision the future of public relations in Nigeria and the evolving role of NIPR in shaping that future.
  6. To inspire and educate current and aspiring PR professionals, students, academics, and industry stakeholders on the role of public Relations in national development.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Historical analysis of key milestones in public relations practice in Nigeria
    1. Discuss the historical context leading to the establishment of NIPR.
    2. Highlight the vision, mission, and objectives of NIPR's founding members.
    3. Explore the challenges faced during the formative years and how they were overcome.
    4. Trace the growth and development of public relations as a profession in Nigeria through personal accounts and reminisces of its members.
    5. Examine the key milestones, initiatives, and contributions made by NIPR and its members.

  2. The role of public relations in nation-building and promoting socio-economic development.
    1. Explore the role of public relations in various sectors in Nigeria, such as government, business, NGOs, and the media.
    2. Showcase successful PR campaigns and case studies that highlight the impact of PR and or NIPR.
    3. Discuss the societal benefits brought about by effective PR strategies in Nigeria.
    4. Discuss the role of NIPR in advancing national development and particularly the Public Relations landscape in Nigeria.

  3. Ethical considerations and challenges in public relations practice in Nigeria.
    1. Examine the imperative of ethical revolution in modern public relations practice with relevant case studies from across the globe
    2. Highlight NIPR's advocacy efforts in promoting professionalism, excellence and high ethical standards in Public Relations practice.
    3. Examine the development and enforcement of codes of conduct and professional development programmes in Nigeria.
    4. Discuss collaborations and partnerships that aim to improve the quality and reputation of the PR profession.

  4. The impact of digital media and technology on public relations strategies in Nigeria.
    1. Discuss emergence and adoption rates of Digital Media in Nigeria.
    2. Traditional PR Strategies: Overview of traditional methods and challenges.
    3. Examine the Impact of Digital Media on tradional PR strategies in terms of changes in communication, audience behavior, and media landscape.
    4. Discuss the transformation of PR Strategies: Integration of digital channels, data analytics, and storytelling.
    5. Examine the challenges: Digital literacy, privacy, and crisis management considerations.
    6. Explore some case studies in Nigeria: Examples of successful digital PR campaigns and lessons learned.
    7. Discuss future trends: Predictions and strategies for adapting to technological changes.

  5. Crisis management and reputation building in the Nigerian context.
    1. Discuss issues in crisis management in Nigeria: the nature of crises in Nigeria, including political, economic, and social dimensions.
    2. Explore the significance of reputation in Nigerian society, business, and governance.
    3. Analyze best practices and case studies of effective crisis response in Nigeria.
    4. Discuss approaches for cultivating a positive reputation through transparency, accountability, and stakeholder engagement.
    5. Examine some unique challenges faced in crisis management and reputation building within the Nigerian context, such as cultural factors, media landscape, and regulatory environment.
    6. Future Directions: Propose strategies for enhancing crisis resilience and reputation management in Nigeria's evolving socio-political landscape.

  6.  Public relations and corporate social responsibility in Nigeria.
    1. Discuss corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its relationship with public relations (PR) in Nigeria.
    2. Examine CSR from a PR perspective within the Nigerian context.
    3. Overview of CSR initiatives undertaken by Nigerian companies highlighting the role of PR in shaping CSR strategies and communication.
    4. Analysis of how CSR activities influence relationships with stakeholders, including communities, employees, and investors.
    5. Importance of transparent and authentic communication in CSR efforts.
    6. Address cultural, social, and economic factors affecting CSR implementation in Nigeria.
    7. Examine CSR as a strategic PR tool for reputation enhancement and brand differentiation.
    8. Discuss successful CSR campaigns and partnerships in Nigeria highlighting the lessons learned from challenges and failures in CSR communication.
    9. Analyse emerging trends in CSR and PR integration and make recommendations for maximizing the impact of CSR on public relations outcomes in Nigeria.

  7. The intersection of public relations and politics in Nigeria.
    1. Define the intersection of public relations (PR) and politics in Nigeria and its significance.
    2. Explore the historical and contemporary role of PR in shaping political narratives, election campaigns, and governance.
    3. Analyze PR tactics used by political parties, candidates, and government agencies in Nigeria, including media relations, social media campaigns, and image management.
    4. Discuss how PR activities influence public perception, voter behavior, and political outcomes in Nigeria.
    5. Address ethical dilemmas and challenges related to PR practices in Nigerian politics, such as misinformation, propaganda, and manipulation.
    6. Evaluate the role of regulatory bodies and accountability mechanisms in overseeing PR activities within the political sphere.
    7. Examine notable PR campaigns and controversies in Nigerian politics to illustrate key concepts and dynamics.
    8. Discuss emerging trends and potential developments at the intersection of PR and politics in Nigeria.

  8. Public relations education and professional development in Nigeria.
    1. Examine NIPR's commitment to building capacity and promoting continuous learning for PR professionals.
    2. Explore training programs, seminars, conferences, and networking opportunities organised by NIPR.
    3. Include success stories of PR professionals who have benefited from NIPR's capacity-building initiatives.

  9. NIPR and the Future of Public Relations in Nigeria:
    1. Explore the challenges and opportunities awaiting NIPR and the PR profession in Nigeria.
    2. Discuss the importance of adapting to technological advancements and global PR trends.
    3. Highlight the envisioned role of NIPR in shaping the future of public relations in Nigeria.

Guidelines for Contributors

  1. Submissions should please follow the guidelines outlined below:
  2. Manuscripts should be written in English and should not exceed 6,000 words.
  3. All submissions should be original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere.
  4. Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines specified by the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style.
  5. Abstracts should be submitted along with the full manuscript and should not exceed 250 words.
  6. We specially invite submission of iconic photographs that commorate any historical moment in the annals of public relations practice in Nigeria. All photographs and graphs to be submitted as saperate documents, numbered and their position clearly marked within the paper
  7. Submissions should be sent via email to " and copy" with the subject line: "Submission: From Strength to Brilliance Publication."

Important Dates:

  1. Deadline for submission of draft manuscript: 20th May 2024
  2. Notification of acceptance/corrections: 25th May 2024
  3. Final manuscript submission: 30th May 2024
  4. Publication release: 29th June 2024

For further inquiries, please contact the editorial team at: and copy

Professor Emmanuel Samu Dandaura, fnipr
Editor-in-Chief, Vice President and Vice Chairman of NIPR Council.
