About Us


Frequently Asked Questions

There are three pathways to membership: Direct Induction, Masterclass, and Professional Examinations

The Membership Services Committee determines the membership cadre based on your qualifications and experience, however the entry-level for all members inf the Associate Cadre.

To upgrade your membership level, you must complete at least three MCPDs, attach the certificates, fill out an upgrade form, and submit it to the Secretariat. Graduate can upgrade after 2 years; Associate after 5 years and Full Member after 10 years

Our Headquarters is in Abuja, and we have a Liaison Office in Lagos.

We have state chapters in nearly every state

Exams are conducted thrice a year, in March, June and November

Accredited study centers are operated by Chapters and Members, not by the Institute itself. The development of study packs is currently in progress.

Inductions and masterclasses are held once every quarter

MCPDs are conducted every other month

Currently, the Institute does not organize conferences abroad.

Membership benefits include access to professional development opportunities, networking with industry experts, participation in exclusive events, and more.

The Institute offers various programs, including the NIPR Week/AGM, Conference of PR Practitioners in Tertiary Institutions, Director’s Conference, and Spokespersons Summit.

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